Your meetings with your CFO, or Chief Financial Officer, should be informative and helpful to you as the business owner.  Your CFO is full of information that can prove invaluable to you in making your next business decision!

So, whether you meet with your CFO monthly or quarterly, the next time you sit down with them, here are some ways you can prepare to talk with them about your business’s big picture strategy!

Create Long Term Goals

Before talking strategy and business structure with your CFO, you should think about what your business vision is.  In other words, what your long term goals for your business are.

Once you’ve decided what you want to achieve in the long term, you can work with your CFO to create more manageable short-term and annual goals that will get you closer to those bigger ones!

Think About Exit Strategy

Businesses are more commonly being sold a few years after being founded and a good exit strategy may take up to 2 years to create and set up well.  So, it’s a good idea to think about the plan around your exit strategy and determine when or if you may want to sell.

Talk Structure

While you discuss goals and strategies with your CFO, another theme to bring up is your business’s overall financial structure. Your CFO can help you see any weakness or strength in your current business structure so that you can best reorganise, budget and strategise for your business’s success!

Get in touch with us today to find out how our CFO’s can help you with your business strategy!