The toll relief rebate for the financial year 2022-23 is set to close on 30 June 2024. If you haven’t claimed yours yet, check below if you’re eligible for the toll rebate and how you can claim it. 

Claiming the toll relief rebate can help motorists and sole traders in New South Wales to alleviate the costs they spend for tolls.

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Driving around the state where the world’s most extensive toll road network is located can dent your budget — making it worth your while to claim your toll relief rebate. 

The toll relief rebate is 40% of the amount you’ve spent on tolls between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023. If you’re eligible for this scheme, you can get up to $750 rebate. The cut-off date for claiming the rebate is 30 June 2024. 

Note that this rebate is applicable for: 

  • motorists who use their vehicles for personal use and  
  • for sole traders.  

This means that if you’re a sole trader, you can get an additional 40% rebate on top of what you can get from your personal toll account. 


Are you eligible? 

1. For personal accounts 

If you’ve spent $375 and above on tolls for the financial year 2022-23, you may be eligible for the rebate. Aside from this, you must also: 

  • be a NSW resident 
  • have an active NSW personal toll account (E-Toll or Transurban Linkt) 
  • have already paid for the tolls 
  • have an active NSW toll provider account (not suspended or closed) 
  • have accrued the tolls on a vehicle that’s privately registered in NSW, and is below 2794kgs TARE weight 
  • have travelled on an eligible NSW toll road. 

You must also make sure that you have not yet received either one of the following: 

  • a rebate in the quarter for which you’re claiming and 
  • the maximum rebate ($750) for the financial year 2022-23. 


2. For sole traders

If you’re also a sole trader and you’ve spent more than $375 on tolls for the financial year 2022-23, you can claim an additional 40% rebate. Your rebate will be calculated based on the type of your toll account, as follows: 

  • Business toll account: Up to $750 
  • Mixed account (personal and business): Up to $1,500 
  • Separate personal and business toll account: Up to $750 each 

To be eligible, you need to: 

  • be a NSW resident 
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) that: 
    • is registered in NSW 
    • is for a business that is physically located and operating in NSW 
    • has been active since the start of the current financial year 
    • shows you are a sole trader/individual 
  • be the registered contact for the ABN with the Australian Business Register 
  • not be a taxi or ridesharing business 
  • have already paid for the tolls 
  • have an active NSW personal toll account or an active NSW business toll account with an ABN, or both 
  • have an active NSW toll provider account (not suspended or closed)  
  • have accrued the tolls on a vehicle that’s registered in NSW, and is below 2794kgs TARE weight 
  • have travelled on an eligible NSW toll road 

In addition, you should see to it that you have not yet received: 

  • a rebate for each linked toll account in the quarter you’re claiming for  
  • the maximum rebate in the financial year. 


Claiming your toll relief rebate 

Claiming your toll relief rebate, whether it’s for your personal toll account, business toll account (sole trader), or both, is similar. 

  1. Link your MyServiceNSW Account with your toll account. 
  2. Nominate a bank account where you prefer to receive your 40% rebate. 
  3. Check if you meet the eligibility requirements. 
  4. Click this link so you’ll be redirected to the toll relief claim page. 
  5. Follow the prompts. 

Once your claim has been approved, you’ll receive your payment within 10 to 15 business days. If you’re claiming for two separate toll accounts (personal and business), you’ll receive a separate payment for each account.  

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Toll relief rebate for the financial year 2023-24

You can also claim your toll rebate for the financial year 2023-24. Its cut-off date is in June 2025, as the table below shows. 

An image showing the cut-off dates, minimum spend, and maximum rebate of the NSW toll relief rebate.

Source: Service NSW 

For sole traders, the same cut-off date applies but with slight differences in the rebate you can claim. 

An image showing relevant information about the toll relief rebate for NSW sole traders.

Source: Service NSW 


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